Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Forces March 2015

Its January 2015 and already we are starting to get involved in this years event, through Facebook we are starting to get questions sent to us by new and returning competitors.

Uptake of the event has far exceeded previous years, even before the military teams begin to sign up.

New Year - New Direction

So 2015 has come around rather rapidly, and New Years Eve brought the first patients.

Working within a nightclub environment brings a significant number of challenges to patient care.

Night Clubs

The majority of patrons enter licensed premises for the aim of consuming alcohol, whilst accompanied by friends and enjoying any entertainment that is being provided whilst socialising and potentially meeting new people. Obviously there are exceptions to this, as some people do not in fact drink alcohol, and others do attend these venues on their own.

"Every year alcohol causes around 4% of cancer cases in the UK, about 12,500 cases"  (Drinkaware, 2015)

Drinkaware (2015) Check the Facts. Available at: http://www.drinkaware.co.uk/check-the-facts?gclid=CMCtm82t_8ICFQPHtAod9W0AIQ 
(Accessed: 6 January 2015).

Charity Work

We have already taken several bookings to provide medical support for charities, all of which so far are returning customers who used our services in 2014.

Our Managing Director retains his title of Medical Advisor to The Veterans Charity for another consecutive year.